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Vision Force Academy 

Live Workshops

We're about to start offering our new Revolutionary Mind workshops... 

Imagine spending a full day exploring the depths of your heart and mind, and coming to know yourself as a revolutionary and a visionary.  You'll experience profound insights and breakthroughs that can change your life forever.

“...No matter how much you think you know about yourself or the world... [the workshop] will change your life... I got in touch with a part of myself that is more powerful that I knew existed. I can't really put it into words... It's a knowing, a deep current of strength..."  -Sam Rosen, Author of Succeed Young

Would you like 2 free tickets?

When you join the Vision Force Academy today, you get 2 FREE TICKETS to our 1-day Vision Workshops led by Michael Skye.  Bring a spouse, friend or family member, and watch what happens!  Learn more.

"Until I completed your workshop, I allowed fears and doubts to prevent me from acting on a business vision I have had for myself for a long time... 

"My newfound willingness to take risks (in the moment), since the workshop has quite frankly, even surprised myself as it continues to occur and re-occur.  The fear and doubt that has been holding me back previously, is completely gone now... I now know my destiny.  

"The vision work you presented to us was absolutely outstanding...  allowed me to make the transition from being only a dreamer to becoming a true visionary in action!  I'm now totally committed to making a difference... to live and walk my purpose --- to walk a path laden in honor and inspiration because of the internal warrior vision that is with me every moment of everyday now..." Joel Cansler - Founder & Director, The Infinite Increase Institute, Inc.

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