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Should You Be Afraid?

Will spreading the powerful VisionForce technology empower your adversaries?  What happens if it falls into the hands of "the enemy?"  Here's what we see.

by Michael Ivan Skye

Should you be afraid?

Sometimes people who witness the power of the vision technology at the Vision Force Academy, become fearful about it falling into the wrong hands.

Technology is separate from morality.

Give people a more powerful way of doing something and it can empower both the good guys and the bad guys.

Take a hammer for example. This tool can be used to build a beautiful piece of furniture or destroy it. A gun can be used to defend innocent lives or to take them.

So people ask me all the time if I fear this technology falling into the wrong hands. My answer is always, "No." Why? Because of the side effects.

One of the side effects of using the VisionForce methods is that it EVOKES the human spirit... You almost can't help it.

Simply using the VisionForce technology calls you AND the people around you to greatness.

So, give the VisionForce technology to a terrorist who has plans to lead a group of other terrorists to take innocent lives and what will happen?

The more he or she uses the technology, the more he/she will awaken to humanity in the enemy, and will feel called to stand for all those around him--not just for himself and his cause.

It's like giving a criminal a gun, and every time he uses it, he becomes a better person, as do the people he shoots.

Pretty cool, huh? (Of course, we're not talking of shooting ANYONE!)

This is why I am not concerned about who gets their hands on our proprietary methods. At the Vision Force Academy, we aim to teach this technology to ALL groups, ALL parties, ALL nations, ALL religions...NO MATTER THEIR BELIEFS.

I see it time and time again... people with opposing judgments and beliefs come together and find common ground in their NATURAL HUMAN VALUES.

Our methods hold the promise of world peace, peace in the Middle East, peace in the streets of LA, peace in marriages, peace in the workplace, AND... Far more than peace.

Indeed, peace is not the end. It is just a beginning.

The VisionForce is a growing movement of visionaries who stand for a world where all human beings live from their deepest human values... where all human beings live true to their nature as heroic beings and visionaries.

That, too, is a promise of the VisionForce, and the Vision Revolution!

In the coming weeks, the Vision Force Academy will announce a new 1-day workshop that introduces people to the Mind of the New Revolutionary.

We will start in Austin. If you're interested in a FREE ticket, please subscribe to the newsletter You'll hear more on the revolution in the days ahead!

Until then, I am your connection to the new revolution.

Michael Ivan Skye


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