Gifting: A Way of Miracles
One day in Boulder Colorado I stepped outside of a workshop I was attending to share with a new friend the stories and insights that had transformed me and my life over the past few years. He gifted me with complete presence and deep listening, and both of us were touched by the walk. The evening walk lasted a few hours and left my new friend with a profound new view of himself, his gifts and how we can offer these gifts.
He started calling me, “Walking Michael,” and we imagined workshops or “walkshops” in which I could take others on tranformative journeys to discover the magical world of living through wide-open generosity, giving big, trusting big, receiving big, honoring and appreciating everyone and everything… and traveling far if one so desires. My own gifting journey had taken me around the world a few times.
The first of these workshops was held in Los Angeles in the late fall of 2012. Michael shares his own gifting stories which have transformed way of moving in the world, and revealed new ways of giving his gifts in life–ways which generate more connection, generosity, abundance, adventure and aliveness. Participants discover and share their own “gifting stories,” and through conversation, inquiry and modeling, discover ways they can move with ease and grace in the world through gifting, trusting, receiving, honoring, etc.
These workshops, like all our workshops, are made possible by Michael’s Patrons.
Below is an impromptu conversation Mihai recorded a few days later, and uploaded to his YouTube account (Enjoy!):