Michael Skye’s Patrons
VisionForce and everything we do here is made possible in large part through my personal patrons: people who’ve given to me personally or in some way supported the VisionForce work.
If you’re inspired by my work or feel gratitude and desire to support me on my journey, I invite you to BE my patron.
Being my patron is simple. It’s your vote for my victory in life through a simple financial contribution (usually recurring).
It’s your affirmation that you see me and my gift, and want to just say “YES!” to me and my life and my path.
It means you want to help free me from concerns of making money, so I can devote myself more fully to creating and gifting to others.
Being my patron is a HUGE gift to me personally.
If you’re considering being my patron, it’s my guess that you have ALREADY received a lot from me, and you want to tell me “THANK YOU!” in this way, and “KEEP DOING YOUR THING, MICHAEL!”
If you haven’t yet received a lot from me or my work, I invite you to come receive! And you are so welcome to receive without ever giving any money to support my journey. I trust I will be provided for so long as I am on my path, following my heart and just GIVING BIG!