
What's YOUR Heart's Vision?

Photos from boot camp!

Posted by on May 24, 2006

Photos from boot camp!

Wow… the first part of the May 2006 Vision Force Boot Camp is now complete.  Participants have completed the 4-day Power To Stand Experience and are heading home for the 6-week Visionary Challenge, where they challenge themselves to live the boot camp in their lives. Here are a few of the photos… (I’ll post more later in the week).  These photos include some of the participants...

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Let’s Bring Vision to the Youth Worldwide!

Posted by on May 12, 2006

Vision Force has started an initiative to begin programs that will raise our youth as visionaries who have the inner freedom and power to be guided so powerfully by their own vision and inner guidance that the barriers of the past are but ashes and dust! Be a part of making this initiative happen.  We’re starting with our trip to Kenya: Be...

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Meet Michael and Robyn!

Posted by on May 3, 2006

Hi, this is Michael Skye with an open invitation for you.  Come join  Robyn Emerson and I for an evening of jazz and inspiring conversation, right here in Austin, Texas!  Robyn and I are going to Kenya next month to work with kids there and have them see their greatness.  Here’s Robyn: Hello! Hola!, Jambo!, Nanga def! Join us for an inspiring evening of young people from the Austin area...

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A late night letter

Posted by on May 2, 2006

Dear Friend, Here I am now, in the middle of the night after driving into my office, because I had something I knew I must share with you. What I realize now, more than ever, is that over the last few years, my message has become compromised. My voice has become compromised. In an effort to succeed financially with our business and thus be able to expand across the globe, I’ve begun to lose my...

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Vision Force Hip Hop?

Posted by on Apr 29, 2006

Thursday, on my journey back from North Carolina and the recording studio, where I recorded Visionary Mind, I changed planes in Chicago… or at least I was supposed to!  You see, I had 2 hours in between flights, so I went to the gate where the next plane would take me to Austin, and I closed my eyes… “I’ll just nap until they call the Austin flight on the...

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Vision Force Africa!

Posted by on Apr 29, 2006

I just got back from a planning session for our trip to Africa in June.  Boy, am I excited!  There were several native Kenyans there, who told us stories about life in Kenya.  You should have seen their eyes light up as they talked about the unique landscapes, wildlife, etc., and as they talked about the culture, the people and life in Kenya. For years, I’ve had subcribers from Africa...

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