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Read MoreThe Vision Force forums have just been released (shhhh… it’s kinda private, even though it’s the headline on our home page). We’re not doing much advertising yet as we’re still in “stealth mode!” 😉
As smart as you are, you’ve probably guessed we’re up to something really big behind the scenes. Can’t fool you, can we? So, check it out…
Read MoreNulla ornare, nulla et egestas hendrerit, ipsum dui vulputate dolor, et ornare orci erat eleifend pede. Fusce eros libero, vestibulum non, elementum eu, suscipit eget, leo. Donec consectetuer tincidunt diam. Sed et mauris in ligula feugiat hendrerit. Cras neque purus, mollis non, adipiscing ac, pretium eget, turpis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus...
Read MoreIn the recent interview of Bill Clinton by Fox News Sunday (watch video), he talks about the advantages and disadvantages of being an ex-president as he attempts to bring about positive change, and compares the power of an ex-president to that of a president. A president has the military might and political might to force change, whereas an ex-president does not. Former President Clinton and Former Vice President Gore have both been taking on projects to cause positive change in the world after leaving office. And, while I’ve seldom been inspired by any politician (as their primary strategies are typically positionary ones), I am often quite inspired by the paths taken by ex-presidents…
Read MoreWhen you watch the video of Fox News interviewing former President Bill Clinton, think about the prescious time we *all* waste as we operate from our positions. Then please post your comments on this topic: Think about all the time we waste attacking and defending, the time we waste preparing to defend and promote our positions, etc. This is a much, much bigger issue than the topic in the...
Read MorePeople take their seats. It’s good vs. evil, evil vs. good, or evil vs. evil–depending on your position. As with any good matchup, everyone has an opinion. That’s what it is so exciting about life, right? To be visible, to be seen, to be acknowledged–and so we take a position and express it. We may not do it with words, yet we do it. We wear the colors of the team we favor, or at least we sit in their section… if nothing else, we have our critique of the other side, our inner Charles Barkley… or of the game itself…
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