
What's YOUR Heart's Vision?

The World Needs Vision…

Posted by on Jan 3, 2007

Democracy for visionless people of different blind faiths is a formula for civil war and destruction. For a free society to function now and in the future, it needs free thinkers, not blind followers.

Consider that it is no longer enough for us to tolerate each others’ faiths. Instead it is time for each of us to rise to the level of vision. Every person of faith can rise to the level of vision, and at the level of vision a person of faith only becomes more virtuous, conscious, humane, tolerant, peaceful, prosperous and integrous at the level of vision.

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Don’t Stand On A Silent Platform…

Posted by on Dec 28, 2006

What does it mean to live your life from a stand?  How do people who try to stand for something fall into the trap of forming a position, from which they lose their vision, passion, compassion and power to cause the kind of change they intended?  What does it mean to live a visionary life–to think, speak and operate from a place of authentic power? Embark on this journey inside of our...

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Person of the Year

Posted by on Dec 26, 2006

Time selected YOU as the person of the year for 2006 for your participation in the next generation of cyberspace, Web 2.0.  It was a Web 2.0 site (Zaadz) that facilitated a young visionary in Uganda bringing vision force training to his university and communities, and has thrust VisionForce into a new mode of operating.  We’re looking at how we can use emerging web technologies to train...

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What if?

Posted by on Dec 23, 2006

What if One Million Visionaries took a stand for humanity? And what if they each had the wisdom, power and skills to create a world that worked for everyone? Several Vision Force Boot Camp graduates have been asking these questions after experiencing the power of the Vision Force methods. The result? A non-profit initiative called the One Million Visionaries campaign. It’s being launched...

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Secular Jihadists?

Posted by on Dec 14, 2006

We all have ideals and values we want to uphold, and as we encounter resistance, we begin to form and strengthen our ideological positions.

Watch this video of a pastor in Ohio, who is standing up for what he believes. In his mind he is fighting the “secular jihadists!” It’s good against evil and god is on his side.

He is fighting “evil,” just as George Bush is doing, just as Osama Bin Laden is doing, just as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is doing, just as Hugo Chavez is doing…

Isn’t it wonderful we have so many people fighting evil? If we keep it up, all the evil will be gone in no time! lol…

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