Face The Mountain:
A Visionary's Journey

There comes a time in every man's life, when he or she must choose to turn and "face the mountain."  Or not.  So many times we can hear the mountain calling us.  So many times we turn away.

We know somehow that the mountain holds our only promise of true greatness in this brief life.  We sense the danger.  And yet we know that passion lies in the climbing.  The facing.  The falling.  And the rising once again.

You are here now to face something in your life.  A great challenge.  An impossible conflict.  A dangerous turning point.  

Welcome.  I will be not your guide, but a silent companion.  I am the words you read.  Nothing more.

Turn now, and face your mountain.  Let's begin this journey.  Together.

Before we embark, consider the words of one visionary, in a speech the day before he was killed for the stand he took in the world:

"Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn't matter with me now. Because I've been to the mountaintop... And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the promised land. And I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man."

You, like the visionary who spoke those words, are a visionary.

I know that not because I know you as a person.  But because I know you are a person.  And by nature, you've been born with vision.  As have we all.

And with the capacity for vision, comes the capacity for greatness.

We live in a world that trains and teaches us to follow some leader's vision.  We are taught to be "good."  And to be good means to act in line with the prevailing wisdom of our times.  

But we are seldom taught greatness.  For greatness is dangerous to the powers that be.  A man who acts on his own conscience and vision cannot be subdued or controlled.  As another martyred visionary once noted in a speech to the youth of the world, the person of greatness is our only hope.

" Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change the world which yields most painfully to change."

Whether you seek to change the world, or simply your life, your marriage, your company, or the world around you, this quality of greatness is vital.  What the visionary above called, "moral courage," is in essence the power to stand.

Centuries ago, one courageous man changed the world when he staked his life on his stand.  When he nailed his bold statement, to the door of the powers that be, he sent shockwaves through history that still reverberate today.  If you are reading these words, you owe you that privilege to this one man who risked his life for your right to think and act from your own conscience and vision.  The sound of his hammer, echoes no longer.  But his words that day echo still:

"Here I stand.  I can do no other."

Anyone can stand.  And anyone can be moved  by a vision that calls oneself and those around her to rise from "goodness" to greatness.

From the time you were young, the good people around you naturally wanted you to be successful, happy and responsible--even excellent, enlightened or faithful.  And so they taught you and trained you the best they could.  The best they knew how.

My friend, that goodness training is what often blocks your own natural vision, and your instinct for greatness.

We are about to unravel that training and teaching now.  Fear not.  While we are stepping out into the unknown, we have all we need.  You have a conscious mind.  You have a conscience.  From there, you have a place to stand.

"Give me a place to stand," said Archimedes with lever in hand, "and I will move the world."

The Vision Force Boot Camp reveals the "ultimate lever" for your mind.  Anyone has the power to move the world.  All he or she must do is... Stand.

If you're ready to face your mountain, and embark on a true visionary's journey, click here to learn more about the Vision Force Boot Camp: The iStand Experience.


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