At one of our Boot Camps for world changers in 2004, a young Turkish man realized he stood for social justice. He would go on to describe it as far more than an intellectual insight–it was a deeply emotional, physical and spiritual realization for him. Through his being, he felt called to stand for social justice, and a vision was born. Within months after that event, he founded 20/20...
Read MoreHere is the first of several videos we’ll be sharing from the March 2007 VisionForce Boot Camp. The application process for the July 18-22 VisionForce Boot Camp has just opened. Those whose complete applications are accepted by the Early Application Deadline of May 14 may save $300 on registration.
Read MoreModerates in the Middle East are standing for peace with the OneVoice Movement. Watch the video. Rather than OV just uniting moderates to stand together, I imagine they are also reaching out to individuals in extremist movements. The VisionForce work is especially applicable in situations that call for strategies beyond compromise, and this is one such situation. So deeply are we inspired by the...
Read MoreMany visionary Zaadzsters showed up to our March 2007 Vision Force Boot Camp for visionary change agents to kick start our One Million Visionaries campaign! Pictured above are some of the crew. (notice the Zaadz Tees being sported by Keith, Mary and Ronin. Other Zaadzsters pictured are Deborah, Joseph, Jordan, Shawn, Audrey, Carl, Brandi, Michael, John, Jim, Tom, Koray,...
Read MoreThere is so much to share from this most recent VisionForce Boot Camp, which we’ve used to jumpstart the One Million Visionaries campaign. We’ll start with a press release written by one of the 28 visionaries in attendance: Healing Divisiveness: The Birth of a New Culture based on Honor and Vision, from the Heart of Texas. Could a Born-Again Christian and a non-Christian embrace each...
Read MoreAnother TEDtalks visionary presents his ideas. Aubrey de Grey, British biogerontologist and founder of SENS, controversially claims to have created a roadmap to defeat biological aging. In this talk, he argues that aging – like other diseases – can be cured, and that humans can live for centuries, if only we approach the aging process as “an engineering problem.” Watch...
Read MoreMP3 File I sat down with local visionary entrepreneur and founder of the Bootstrap Network, Bijoy Goswami, to discuss his revolutionary ideas about starting a venture. The insights revealed in this audio are valuable for the entrepreneur, social entrepreneur, non-profit leader and more. He boils down the entrepreneurial process to get at the essence of what great entrepreneurs have been...
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