Posts Tagged ‘Relationships’

News | No Comments | November 24th, 2008

I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog lately, as we’ve been working on several projects we’re excited about.

One is an initiative to specifically apply our honor work to men and women in relationships. First, we’re applying them to men in relationship with women, as I happen to be a man who dates women, and thus this the area where I have the most intuition, if not expertise.

Here’s the audio recording of a special tele-seminar for men:

Michael Skye presents the Flying Pig Phenomenon: The invisible dynamic that strips men of their power to save the relationship with the woman they love, and causes them to lose her without knowing why. They end the relationship thinking that she's not who they thought she was, when really, they simply no longer see her for who she truly is. Michael's presentation is an invitation to all men to take the hero's path in their relationship and exercise their innate masculine power to allow the woman they love to fully express her love… and to come to know her for perhaps the first time.

MP3 File
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