Posts Tagged ‘Boot Camp’

A model for world-changing is emerging…

1- We’ve witnessed the success of our project in Uganda with young visionary, Clovis Ategeka, who has been changing the world, largely due to his ability to access the internet, and thus Vision Force, Zaadz, etc.

2 – The school we visited in Ngong Kenya has no internet access, and it has been difficult to follow up with the students there, who were so inspired by the Vision Force work, and wanted to continue to develop themselves as visionaries and entrepreneurs. The plan they created when we were there was to start an internet cafe there on campus, and since then they’ve received several new computers… but still have no internet access.

3 – Morris Thuku, a Kenyan visionary, who started an institute of technology for street kids in a small village outside of Nairobe has a vision to raise youth and communities throughout Africa from poverty by training them in computer repair, maintenance, etc. Most all African homes do not have computers yet, so his students are positioning themselves for wealth… but Morris lacks the kind of funding that has come so easily to Clovis through his access to a global community.

Clovis has a vision of spreading Vision Cafes throughout Africa, as a way of connecting people to the global community and all of the resources and opportunities that come with it. The internet creates opportunities to raise funding, make money, save money, get educated, find business partners, collaborate with a global community, etc. But the beauty of this vision doesn’t stop with the advantages of internet access. Clovis sees these cafes as a way to educate and train people to be visionaries, leaders and entrepreneurs. Both the tribal and colonial culture contexts are very authoritarian and lacking in entrepreneurial and visionary concepts and conversations.

Clovis sees his Vision Cafes bringing everything the internet has to offer, as well as everything the west has to offer regarding entrepreneurship and advanced ways of thinking as a conscious being and visionary.

The bottleneck is internet access. In East Africa it’s outrageously expensive, and so at first glance it does not seem feasible to spread these Vision Cafes throughout Africa. But there is a bigger vision here, that once seen could easily inspire many organizations and individuals to invest their time and resources in the cause. Clovis, through his Vision Cafe in Kampala, is not merely providing jobs and adding value to the community. He is in essence, “creating creators.” It is one thing to fish, it’s another to teach someone how to fish–and quite another thing to teach someone how to be a visionary entrepreneur and create a business… or better yet, teach someone how to be a visionary entrepreneur who teaches others how to do the same. That’s what Clovis is up to. He wants to train others to train others, and thus open up all of Africa to unimaginable opportunity.

Democracy and capitalism are very new in many parts of Africa, and still only a dream in others. In Kenya, when I visited last year, I could feel an energy in the air… people were actively engaged in politics, not resigned and cynical as so many of us seem to be in the West. Kenya only gained freedom from Britain about 40 years ago through a violent revolution. Everything is still new, everything is possible. And the youth… so many told me they were going to be president one day. Yet, the colonial and tribal cultures there silence the youth in many respects. There seemed to be a consensus among Kenyans 40 and under that they’d never be listened to until they were at least 45 years old. This, even though so many Kenyans are known for their oratory skills (so many we met spoke like Senator Obama, whose father was Kenyan–or even more eloquently). The youth we met were incredibly bright, incredibly spirited, well-spoken and authentic. The only things that seemed to be missing for these young leaders to have the power to bring their visions into reality was 1) lack of access to technology, and 2) lack of entrepreneurial/visionary contexts.

Enter Clovis and his Vision Cafes, where he not only connects the youth to the world wibe web, but he liberates them from the conditioning which keeps them silent. The Vision Force concepts and work are incredibly powerful in this regard. Vision Force technology was not created from within the context of existing structures, and thus does not teach people how to be successful within the system. No, it encourages and empowers independent, creative thought, entrepreneurial thought. It’s most powerful for those willing to step outside the existing structures and create something new. It’s very liberating and refreshing for many who’ve grown up inside the heavily authoritarian cultural contexts in Africa. Perhaps this is why some come from 6 hours away to attend Clovis’ Vision Force workshops. Clovis is not just bringing hope, he’s bringing vision and everything that comes with it.

Kampala is ready. Kenya is ready. Could these Vision Cafes be an idea whose time has come?

How will we find the funds and resources to bring these internet learning centers into existence? Well, just ask Clovis, who through investing himself in the Vision Force 101 program, has been able to articulate his stand and his vision in such a way that he’s inspiring people from around the world to collaborate with him. One man, Michael Blomsterberg, and fellow Zaadzster (member of the Zaadz community), was so inspired that he has organized a trip for 12 to Kampala this summer, and plans to bring 10-20 computers for Clovis’ Vision Cafe. Other Zaadzsters and friends of Michael’s have joined in, and are doing what they can to support Clovis and his vision.

We at Vision Force along with generous Zaadz members have just recently raised $3,400 to get Clovis’ Vision Cafe wired with high-speed internet access. Some 80+ people from around the world were inspired to contribute. Others have purchased and sent Visionary Mind packages to Clovis. And the story goes on…

Vision Cafes throughout the 3rd world… supporting One Million Visionaries just like Clovis… can we really change the world? Do we even have a glimpse of how quickly we could create a world that really works for everyone? Organizations and individuals alike are already stepping forward to join forces in manifesting this vision. It’s not a Vision Force thing. It’s much bigger than that. It’s simply time.

We wish to acknowledge and thank every single person and organization that has chosen to stand with and for Clovis and all our African visionary friends. This is just the beginning! Together we really can create a future where all people are honored as creative, conscious beings… a world where we’re free inside and outside to live powerfully, and where it’s just natural to do so… a world where our best efforts go to collaborate creating a world that works for all, rather than fighting to enforce our individual views on others…

News, Visionaries | No Comments | February 28th, 2007

Recently through Zaadz, we’ve raised nearly $3,400 for Clovis, our young Ugandan visionary friend. He’s using the funding to install high-speed internet access at his Vision Cafe, where he’s connecting his fellow Ugandan’s to the world wide web, and teaching them what’ he’s learned from Vision Force about being a visionary, a leader and an entrepreneur.

There are some exciting new developments in what’s next for Clovis, so stay tuned.

Clovis’ story sparked the One Million Visionaries campaign here at VisionForce, where we’re now asking, “What if we could empower one million visionaries like Clovis around the world–as fast as possible, and for as little money as possible?” The next chapter in that story happens March 21-25 at the special boot camp we organized for 30 inspiring change agents from around the world. The application process is over, the event is full, and they’re 3 weeks away from arriving here in Austin.

News, Visionaries | No Comments | February 21st, 2007

30 impassioned individuals have been selected to attend the March 2007 Vision Force Boot Camp, an event designed for those who are so committed to creating a world that works for everyone that they are ready and willing to facing whatever there is to face along the way–and evolving whatever they must about themselves in order to create such a world.

The search for the next 30 will begin soon. Stay tuned…

News, Visionaries, Visionary Mind | No Comments | February 6th, 2007

When people think of visionaries, they think of people who seem to be able to see farther into the future than others, such as futurists, inventors, theoretical physicists, social revolutionaries, pioneering entrepreneurs, filmmakers, etc., many of whom seem to have the power to “make the impossible happen.”

Yet there is a fundamental faculty of human consciousness that we could call vision, which all of us posses and can develop. It is possible for each of us to function at the level of vision, creating what seems to others to be impossible. Thus, I say that we as human beings are visionaries, even though in the early 21st century we as individuals tend not to operate as such. I see the day in the not too distant future when all children are raised to develop their visionary capacities.

Such a future at first thought might seem frightening to some, for there are many examples of charismatic leaders and visionaries throughout history who have caused great harm and destruction. Giving all children the power to operate powerfully and independently from their own vision might seem like a dangerous and even grossly irresponsible proposition, but not once one understands more about vision.

Adolf Hitler is an extreme example of the kind of “visionary” we’d fear. A Hitler is quite dangerous among masses of less than visionary people, yet quite impotent among the visionaries of the future. A person with a visionary mind is not inclined to substitute another’s vision for their own and does not hold blind faith as a value. Further, the visionaries of tomorrow are much more evolved than most of the visionaries of yesterday (as enlighten as many of them were), for example, tomorrow’s visionaries are not positionaries, as Hitler was. Tomorrow’s visionaries are much more powerful than the even the Hitlers of yesterday, and their power arises from their expanded consciousness, which brings with it far more compassion and love than even many of the most saintly persons of yesterday. The powerful visionaries of tomorrow are Gandhis and Yunuses, not Hitlers.

So consider that what defined a visionary in past centuries will be far different from what defines a visionary in the years to come. In simple terms, tomorrow’s visionaries will have greater power to look within, to consciously face themselves and evolve across the full spectrum of human potentials, in ways even many of the best thinkers throughout history seldom had the opportunity to do.

Also consider, that while some people are born with great talent for creative thinking or logic, being a powerful visionary is attainable for virtually anyone (excluding those with serious intellectual or psychological challenges). Most individuals can multiply their conscious power by simply removing the conditioned barriers to their vision (or consciousness) and learning visionary thinking methods.

So what is vision? When I refer to vision, I mean something distinctly different from dreams, fantasies, visualization, imagination or paradigms. There has been a lot of buzz about paradigms in business and leadership circles, and how powerful it can be to shift one’s paradigm; and while a paradigm is one’s worldview, viewpoint or metaphorical perspective of reality–it is not vision. Think of vision as what you see in your mind’s eye as you navigate your paradigm from moment to moment. That simplistic description may be useful, but there’s a lot more to be said about vision than that description allows for.

Vision is an ever-present, dynamic and evolving function of human consciousness. When many people today think of improving themselves, they speak of changing or removing their limiting beliefs, self-talk or mental images. The techniques which one finds in the field of “self-help” today say a lot about how little we know of human consciousness. Further, that human beings still act so irrationally on personal, interpersonal, societal and intersocietal levels says much more about our assumptions of how human consciousness functions than it does about human consciousness itself. So many of us today assume that we as human beings are far more limited, irrational and even self-destructive by nature than we actually are, and such assumptions make it possible for us to tolerate and even expect less than visionary thinking, speaking and behavior from ourselves and each other.

The work we do at the Vision Force Boot Camp is, many participants feel, nothing short of revolutionary. In the words of one recent graduate, “My fundamental assumptions and beliefs about what is possible for myself, humanity, and the future of the planet were completely shattered–in the best and most inspiring way possible.” It’s almost unavoidable. While I have not yet written a treatise on the work we do at Vision Force, it is simply not enough to grasp something like this intellectually, if what one seeks is an expansion of one’s consciousness, an experience of greater vision and hands-on training in methods to think, speak and live at the level of vision. Further, while many of us have genius intellects, when it comes to facing our selves, or looking within, we fall far short. Thus, it has been much easier thus far to create an event, where people look within for four days straight while exploring our concepts and methods, than to write a formal, systematic analysis of the model of consciousness, which underlies the methods taught at the boot camp–at least in a way that most people could grasp given our collective conditioned propensity to not fully face our selves.

Are human beings really visionary by nature? Can we each live as visionaries? Is it really possible for us to create a radically different and positive future for our children than the one we’re headed towards now? Is there much more you can really do as one person to bring about such change in the world?

Right now, you have your own answers to such questions, and while I can tell you what I see, I’d rather have you see what you can see after putting the vision force methods to work for yourself. Our “boot camp” is the best way to do this. As intimidating as the name may sound to some, it’s intended to have people understand that it is not going to be a seminar or conference, where you just walk away with more information without ever venturing courageously inward to question your assumptions. The boot camp is a rigorous inner journey, where you face your self, perhaps like never before–and in a way that naturally calls you to stand for what matters most. As you do, you begin to experience an inner alignment, much like the spine straightening that happens through yoga practice, and you find your vision and consciousness is profoundly expanded–giving you access to levels of courage and compassion that you never had before.

Unlike the name might imply, the boot camp is a fun and some would say “spiritual” journey, where each individual is honored, regardless of background or belief. In fact you could say the work we do is belief-neutral, or to use a software analogy, our “software” will run on virtually any “belief platform.” For some, an event like this seems like dangerous territory, as there are many questionable events teaching people things about life. To be clear, with the Vision Force methods, there is nothing you need to believe or join, and absolutely no one to follow. We think you’ll agree that this is cutting-edge human development work that holds great promise for humanity and our collective future. So come and play!

And if you think you’re not ready, sink your teeth into our delicious Visionary Mind home study program.

News, Visionaries | No Comments | February 2nd, 2007


Austin-based Vision Force Academy to immerse participants in leading-edge human development curriculum for ‘creating a future that works for everyone.’

AUSTIN, TX FEB 1, 2007 — On January 8 at a meeting organized by FLOW, an Austin-based non-profit dedicated to “liberating the entrepreneurial spirit for good,” a small group of local leaders gathered to discuss Austin’s emerging role as a leader in entrepreneurship and social innovation. Leaders of several next-generation entrepreneurship initiatives proposed ways they could individually or collectively foster awareness of entrepreneurship in Austin.

In this spirit, The Vision Force Academy, founded by long-time Austin resident Michael Skye, aims to contribute to entrepreneurial initiative and innovation on March 21-25 when it hosts its semi-annual Vision Force Boot Camp. Local and global leaders committed to making a profound difference in the world are currently submitting their applications to participate in this leading-edge human development curriculum.

One such leader is Audrey Parker, an Austin resident who, when recounting her Vision Force Boot Camp experience, said, “My fundamental assumptions and beliefs about what is possible for myself, humanity, and the future of the planet were completely shattered–in the best and most inspiring way possible.” Since the event, Ms. Parker, like many others, has broken new ground: she was trained recently by Al Gore to deliver Inconvenient Truth presentations in Austin and around the country.

Another, Michael Strong, visionary educator and FLOW co-founder echoes Ms. Parker’s enthusiasm about Vision Force and the Vision Force Boot Camp. “I see Michael Skye’s work as a key to liberating each individual’s unique genius so that we all may fulfill our potential in alignment with our deepest ideals,” Strong says.

Inspired in part by the vision that emerged from the January 8th meeting, Mr. Skye has, for the first time ever, decided to offer the Vision Force Boot Camp without the standard $2,500 admittance fee. “I’m inspired to collaborate with other visionary leaders and to join a global movement of people dedicated to serving humanity by pursuing their unique vision. We’ve removed the financial barrier so that all impassioned individuals, regardless of economic status, can attend the Boot Camp,” explains Skye.

Mr. Skye says that the ideal Vision Force Boot Camp participant has “already decided to become ‘part of the solution’–regardless of sector or vocation. The only ‘must’ is a deep commitment to creating a better future.”

Applications are due no later than February 15, 2007. Participants will pay the cost of food and lodging only. To download an application and for more information, please visit

Contact: Michael Skye
Phone: 1-877-844-6667 x777

For the priner version, download the pdf version.

News, Visionary Mind | No Comments | January 31st, 2007

I just watched a video clip of two formerly racist, convicted felons, one black and one white, describe a turning point in their lives.

Both men in this video refer several times to a feeling they are feeling, yet they have no name for it. You might be tempted to call it pride, happiness, love or some combination of these, but those are only approximations to describe this distinct human emotion. In the video, you can see how it has recently become a guiding force in both of these men’s lives. They feel it as a reward for their recent choices, and are then pulled emotionally to continue those choices.

There is a distinct human emotion that we as yet have no name for in the English language, and often relate to as a spiritual feeling. It’s essentially a force of consciousness, which can have us feel pulled to naturally rise above fear and pain to honor our highest values more deeply and more often, and to expand what we currently identify as our values to include everything that forwards and benefits life. The Visionary Mind program explains this emotion in detail and how to have your consciousness be pulled forward and expanded by it, rather than experience the typical shrinking of consciousness in reaction to fear, guilt, shame, overwhelm, frustration, etc. Unlike many of our emotions, this emotion opens or expands consciousness, because it requires consciousness in order to be experienced. The more we open our selves and commit ourselves more authentically and deeply to being responsible for creating a world that really works for all, the more this feeling is available and naturally present.

At Vision Force we refer to this feeling as honor (distinct from current definitions of honor, and distinct from happiness, love, joy, pride, etc.). The more one recognizes this feeling, the more one can naturally be guided by it.

Growing up, most of us have been conditioned by the structures, systems, authorities and peer groups in our lives to be guided by other emotions. What this means is that our consciousness has been conditioned to relate to ourselves and our choices in a way that circumvents the natural experience of honor as a guiding emotion. It has us relating to life from a position, rather than a stand. We’ve begun to distinguish stand from position in many of these blog posts and in the free Visionary Mind Shifts course we offer here, yet it’s not enough to grasp it consceptually. Until it is integrated emotionally into our consciousness and self-guidance processes, we will continue to operate from within the walls of positions, which keep us arrogantly blind to our own blindness.

What does it mean to expand your consciousness? How can you come to see what you cannot see now? How can you open up to a whole new realm of compassion, courage and vision? Those willing to undertake the quest to discover such things and relentlessly engage in the process of consciously evolving their consciousness… are the ones who will lift humanity beyond it’s current limitations and create a world that really works for everyone. If you believe you’re up for the challenge, learn more.

News, Visionaries | No Comments | January 17th, 2007

There’s something special about music… the way it can pull you into a whole new world, a new paradigm, a new context–instantly! Musical artists have always been at the forefront of change, evolution and revolution, painting a view of past, present and future that calls people to take the actions necessary to create a new future.

On my trip to Kenya last summer, the kids in a remote town who did not have electricity in their classrooms did have a TV in the cafeteria. And every chance they got, they were listening to Western Hip Hop artists. If only all of those artists really understood–intellectually and emotionally–the reach they have and their potential to cause positive change in the world…

One singer/song-writer who attended our last boot camp, grasps his opportunity and responsibility to create a radically better future for humanity. His name is Sean Clarke, and you can download many of his songs for free to your iPod, straight from his web site.

Sean records all of his music himself and plays all of his instruments digitally. We have entered an era, where one person really can change the world. You can also find Sean on Zaadz.