Posts Tagged ‘Boot Camp’

Uncategorized | No Comments | June 27th, 2007

Shawn is a visionary musician from Boston, who is up to changing the world through music. Listen in as Shawn and Michael Skye share a vision for our future, and the role of visionary musicians in creating the future!

MP3 File

News | No Comments | June 14th, 2007

Our application review team is having a great time reviewing the applications that have come in for the July Boot Camp. We’ll be introducing you to some of our participants in the coming weeks. Very inspiring entrepreneurs, musicians, artists, activists, educators, students and more.

News, Visionaries | No Comments | May 29th, 2007

If you're interested in being one of the 40 world-changers at our upcoming VisionForce Boot Camp, you'll want to listen to this audio recording of a recent conference call.

MP3 File

News | 5 Comments | May 25th, 2007

Deborah York

Deborah York, the original yoga instructor at our VisionForce Boot Camps and in many ways a “mother” and co-creator of the VisionForce work, will be introducing a new addition to our Boot Camps: Breath and Body Foundation – a 3-hour yoga workshop on the first day, prior to the evening Reception and Orientation sessions.

For years now, Deborah has been standing for deeper integration of mind, body and spirit inside our trainings. She sees how much more present and open participants are able to be, once they first establish a powerful relationship with their body, posture, emotions and breathing.

The entire Breath and Body Foundation workshop is available (yet optional) for everyone, without an additional charge, and is highly recommended.

Participants will learn and practice:

1. The Ujjai Breath – Learn how to control your life force by bringing more oxygen into your body on the inhalations and increasing your circulation in a way that purifies your body by breathing out toxins and stress. Learn to use this form of breathing to experience a profound sense of peace, clarity of thinking and alertness. You’ll feel more alive, energized and youthful–perhaps even blissful.

2. The Breath of Fire – How to use this form of breathing to move beyond the mental and physical resistance and tension brought on by pain or discomfort. This is also a tool to increase your energy and clear your mind.

3. Powerful Posture – How we stand and sit has a direct effect on our energy and the way we feel about ourselves. Practice ways of standing and sitting that generate new levels of confidence and power. Posture also effects your body’s ability to have all the organs work at their maximum efficiency, and prevents you from becoming tired during hours of sitting at the Boot Camp. With good posture habits, you stay younger and healthier.

4. Proper Alignment – Learning proper alignment for each of the yoga poses has your practice be more effective and transformative. Most importantly, proper alignment ensures safety. You will experience the power of each pose as your bones and muscles are in their natural alignment, freeing up any blocks that could be preventing your life force from circulating throughout your body.

5. Personal Modifications – We will be able to address any specific needs or limitations that you may have and show you modifications that has your practice be more fun and effective and safe.

6. What Is Yoga? Look at what yoga is and what yoga is not. Discover yoga as a way of honoring the body as a temple. Learn how to nurture, trust and listen to your body’s wisdom.

7. Yoga As Metaphor Who we are being on the mat can be a way of reflecting how we show up in our lives and in our relationships with self and others.

8. How To Witness Yoga enhances your ability to concentrate and focus on one thing at a time. You will learn how to be more present in the moment, and how to witness your thoughts, feelings and emotions without judging them. Learn what it means to physically and metaphorically open your heart to compassion, acceptance and willingness to respond to the call to honor your highest values in the moment.

9. Yoga As Meditation – Yoga awakens you to higher guidance and/or intuition. Your emotions calm as the chatter of the mind slows, permitting greater insight and discernment.

10. The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection You will experience yoga as a means to feel connected with your body, mind and spirit. You you feel more whole, complete, peaceful and contented.

Yoga and conscious breathing is also practiced for the next three mornings, and to a lesser extent in the next three afternoons. Yoga is an integral part of the VisionForce Boot Camp experience for conscious leaders who are up to creating positive change in the world.

News, Visionaries | 1 Comment | May 25th, 2007

Here is a partial audio recording from one of our Boot Camp application support calls, May 12, 2007. The audio quality is not to great, but hopefully this helps those who have thus far been unable to attend one of our conference calls, and are curious about interested in applying to the VisionForce Boot Camp.

MP3 File

News, Visionaries | No Comments | May 15th, 2007

by Michael Morris

A young visionary in Hawaii has a vision of a green, sustainable, conscious community that can be a beacon for other communities around the world. Imagine–communities that work for everyone and with everyone. Is it possible? Many believe that our global community will only heal itself when we first ascribe to a local cohesiveness that bridges divisiveness at home in our families and local communities. From that foundation, many believe, we can build a world that really works… but will it work?

Recently, one such community has emerged as an example of such a vision, showing what is possible when people unite with a common vision to create sustainable and evolving communities that work for and with everyone.

KeithKeith Kavisic, a recent VisionForce Boot Camp graduate (pictured playing his guitar at the Boot Camp Dinner of Honor (and, yes, that’s sparkling cider!)) is spearheading a project in Hawaii known as The Green Source Community. “We are committed to creating this project into a blueprint for community cohesion, cultural appreciation, social responsibility and local economic development,” states Keith. “You are that change you see in the world! Evolution starts here.”

So what does Keith have to say about his experience with VisionForce, “VisionForce broke through the glass ceiling that I had been tapping at for years! Unlocking the tools necessary to walk with honor in every step of life…In addition, this connection provided a team of visionaries for life to move forward in our collective stand for humanity!…If we all live to these standards we begin to change the world instantly! Through the bold actions taken immediately after attending [Boot Camp] I see the light at the end of the change and know that I am and will stand in the face of everything for humanity! As a community leader in Hawaii, I will take these tools and utilize the resources to put sustainable models of economic development and incorporate the sacredness into the infrastructure of life.”

The more Keith and those in the Green Source Community stand for their vision, the more they find themselves living in the vision and the more the vision becomes reality. Rising up to “be the change” is often not an easy task to undertake. As Keith said, however, “I see the light at the end of the change.” Oftentimes when we step out to walk the journey of our vision we step out with nothing more than faith in ourselves and our vision, and trust that we shall see the day where our vision comes into fruition as Keith’s has.

“We are always looking to join forces with all of you visionaries and creators standing for humanity,” says Keith. “If you would like to come to Hawai’i and Stand with us as we create GreenSource and Globe Oasis this community model of sustainable change, contact us.”

If you are interested in Keith’s project or would like to support the Green Source Community, you can visit him on zaadz and learn more about the Community and Keith.

News, Visionaries | No Comments | May 9th, 2007