News | July 8th, 2006
Just a warning to those attached to the systems that be…
There is a revolution brewing… not a violent one, or an externally focussed one, but an internal one. And it is our youth who shall be bringing it about. Personally, I feel as if all my life I have been being prepared for what now lies right in front of me… the opportunity, the calling, the path to usher in a new breed of visionaries and revolutionaries and a new era of humanity.
I won’t say more here and now, but you can follow up more on what I call the Vision Revolution here. And my poems, Dawn of My Day and Dawn of Our Day feel particularly appropriate now.
In the near future, I see myself leading some boot camps exclusively for the youth, and some exclusively for the young men of the world. The kind of world we all want to live in seems not that far away now. My recent journey to Kenya and the revolutionary conversations I’ve been having while there and since being home are only becoming more intense. The momentum is building… A new day is approaching.
5 years ago I gave a speech, which later evolved into a story. It’s called Awakening The Wealth Warriors, A Call to the Rising Generation, The Leaders of Tomorrow! Many who read it do so in one sitting. I invite you to check it out (it’s free!).
And stay tuned…!
Michael Ivan Skye