Archive for the ‘News’ Category

I choose not to own a television, but I was turned on to comedian Jon Stewart’s conflict with CNBC Mad Money’s Jim Cramer. Jon Stewart has been criticizing CNBC for being largely complicit with the companies involved in the economic meltdown, and took special issue with Cramer’s advising people to continue to invest in Bear Stearn, the first big, over-leveraged investment brokerage to go down last year.

They’ve both been doing a lot of trash talk about each other recently (admittedly, they both get paid to entertain). Jon’s used his comedian skills to shame Cramer and CNBC, and when news came out the Cramer was to appear on Stewart’s The Daily Show, Cramer was obviously nervous.

It was obvious that Stewart could have used his position and charisma to humiliate or attack Cramer in front of millions, which is typically how such conflicts go (such is the positionary style of a Bill O’Reilly, an Ann Coulter, a Michael Moore, a Sean Hannity, a Rush Limbaugh, etc.). Instead, Stewart called Jim Cramer to rise to a higher level of responsibility, and no doubt, Cramer felt honored, even if embarrassed.

Here’s the exchange:

My point is not who is right or wrong. My point is the manner in which Jon Stewart used his power, and the result, which is the kind of result that few of his peers tend to create. Many talking heads take a position in a way that results in their “adversary” only becoming more adversarial, more positionary, more reactive, more entrenched. A skillful demonstration by Stewart of honor, courage and compassion.

News networks tend to dramaticize (my word) conflict in a positionary way: this person one, and this person lost (Example from CNN), which doesn’t help us to move forward to create a world that really works. Instead, it leads viewers to take positions and get caught up in the positionary drama of fighting against, rather than the visionary drama of standing for. In my view, Stewart was an example for pundits around the world. And Cramer, for his part had the courage to look at himself honestly and step up. That’s not “losing” in my book. Kudos to Cramer. Let’s see how he evolves his show as a result.

News, Visionary Mind | No Comments | March 10th, 2009

Visionary Woman, let me stand with you!

Let’s amplify the volume, clarity and power of your big dream or idea. Let’s turn it into a POWERFUL VISION that speaks to your heart, and the hearts of all who hear your voice, with this powerful Vision Exercise:

MP3 File

News | 2 Comments | March 9th, 2009

Around the world, every day, women are treated as less than human – as if they are animals, who should not think for themselves or live from their own inner guidance.

Check out this remarkable story.

From the story,

The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, feared by many Saudis, is made up of several thousand religious policemen charged with duties such as enforcing dress codes, prayer times and segregation of the sexes. Under Saudi law, women face many restrictions, including a strict dress code and a ban on driving. Women also need to have a man’s permission to travel.

It’s time the world makes a distinction between goodness and greatness. And it’s time we all rise to greatness.

Then let your voice be hear below.

News, Visionaries | 1 Comment | March 9th, 2009

Listen as she speaks up for women, and calls Muslims to stand.

News | No Comments | November 24th, 2008

I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog lately, as we’ve been working on several projects we’re excited about.

One is an initiative to specifically apply our honor work to men and women in relationships. First, we’re applying them to men in relationship with women, as I happen to be a man who dates women, and thus this the area where I have the most intuition, if not expertise.

Here’s the audio recording of a special tele-seminar for men:

Michael Skye presents the Flying Pig Phenomenon: The invisible dynamic that strips men of their power to save the relationship with the woman they love, and causes them to lose her without knowing why. They end the relationship thinking that she's not who they thought she was, when really, they simply no longer see her for who she truly is. Michael's presentation is an invitation to all men to take the hero's path in their relationship and exercise their innate masculine power to allow the woman they love to fully express her love… and to come to know her for perhaps the first time.

MP3 File
If you enjoyed this, please forward it to men you know and care about. To learn more, and to be invited to LIVE VIDEO WEBCASTS, please join our list here:

News, Visionaries | No Comments | June 9th, 2008

Shawn David Madden is a rising musician (and a dear brother and friend), who sings to the soul … If you dig music that inspires you into the depth of your heart, and inspires you to reach for the stars, you’ve gotta listen to this music!

Shawn has given so much to VisionForce and our efforts to contribute to you, your vision, your loved ones and your journey. If he inspires you as he does me, I encourage you to download this man’s music into your heart.

News | No Comments | May 15th, 2008

Wow… you've got to listen to THIS podcast! Talk about a visionary! Jim Channon, invites you into a future that you've never before imagined.

You will never view what is possible in terms of prosperity for all the same again. There are real nuggets of gold in this man's wisdom.

Leave your comments for Jim below:

MP3 File