Vision Force Hip Hop?
Thursday, on my journey back from North Carolina and the recording studio, where I recorded Visionary Mind, I changed planes in Chicago… or at least I was supposed to! You see, I had 2 hours in between flights, so I went to the gate where the next plane would take me to Austin, and I closed my eyes…
“I’ll just nap until they call the Austin flight on the loudspearkers,” I thought. Well, they never called for Austin. Apparently I was at the wrong gate. Anyway, I missed my flight, and wouldn’t likely catch one until the next day (this was 1pm Thursday). So, I called a local guy who was a Vision Force Boot Camp graduate, and he came to pick me up.
You should see his place… A suite on the 14th floor of a very nice apartment complex in the tourist area of Chicago. When he opened his door that evening, all I could see was the lights of Chicago’s most beautiful buildings and their reflection on the lake. Amazing. Well, we relaxed, while watching some video footage he had recently taped… here’s where it gets good.
Just over 2 years ago, Emced attended a Vision Force Boot Camp, then called the Wealth Warrior Boot Camp. Inside that event, he saw a vision that deeply called to him, and then set about to make it a reality. His vision was to create a documentary that would show Hip Hop’s power to change the world for the better, and the science behind powerfully speaking your vision via the spoken word, poetry and rap. His name is Emced Hammas and his company is 2020 MultiMedia.
Well, I saw live footage of passionate interviews with KRS1, Busy Bee and DMC that will be appearing on the documentary, and I’ve gotta say… Emced is onto something. These artists were attesting to the power of framing and speaking your reality or vision, and thus giving it life in reality.
Emced wants to include footage of me speaking at the Hip Hop National Political Convention, or somewhere else in public, for the documentary… can’t wait!
As Emced was dropping me off at the airport the next day, he committed to attending the next Vision Force Boot Camp on May 17th and binging some of the key people on his crew. This boot camp really has some amazing people attending. I’m excited to be once again in the presence of a room of people who know themselves as visionaries, and are called forth into heroic action by the power of their own vision.
(You don’t have to be a visionary to attend. You simply must be ready to face the compromises in your life that keep you from seeing the kind of vision that calls to you deeply… remove the compromises by taking a stand, and a powerful vision emerges.)
Btw, my partner in the June journey to Africa, Robyn Emerson, CEO of Cultural and Educational Opportunities for Teens, will be in attendance at the next boot camp as well. (If you’re thinking about joining us, call Michele at 1-877-844-6667… it’s only 2.5 weeks away!)